Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Bernice Summerfield - Series Three and Four

More reviews, posted online a while ago, bring me up to Series 4 for the Bernice Summerfield marathon. Check the website linked to for plenty more coverage of Big Finish’s other ranges…

Series Three: 1 Short Story Collection, 4 Main Releases, 1 Excelis Tie In
Bernice's Life at the Collection begins to settle down, but things remain far from peacefull.

Series Four: 4 audios, 1 Short Story Collection
Monster of the Week! Bernice rushes around the universe encountering the worst it has to throw at her, but she's missed something 'big' going down at home... Probably the most consistantly strong series so far.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Bernice Summerfield - Series One and Two

Why should you care about Bernice Summerfield?
As I mentioned in my last post, I've been working through Big Finish's Bernice Summerfield range since late last year. This marathon includes around fifty full cast audio dramas, at least ten full length novels and ten more short story collections and a few novella anthologies... And that's just since the range moved to Big Finish in 1999.
Big Finish have just announced that Series 11 is coming soon, and it should be an excellent place for new listeners to jump on as a major long running plot arc is drawing to a close. So if you're interested in dipping your toe into this fantastic range, here's the reasons why you should give them a go. Click on the pictures to be taken to to the Audio Reviews website for in depth analysis.

Series One - An Exquisite series of audio adaptations of Virgin's original Bernice Summerfield books

Buried Treasures - Big Finish's first ever 'Subscriber Bonus'

Series Two Books - When Big Finish considered taking over the range these stories introduced a brand new continuity for them to explore. Proudly introducing: the Braxiatel Collection.

Series Two Audios - Brand new adventures for the same old professor