A few days ago Nintendo surprised us all with some great
announcements and the news that their virtual console for the Wii U was up and
running with 1 game available for just 30 pence. Balloon Fight is a fun little
diversion, and for 30p well worth your effort.
However it is marred by one
thing for all European (and I assume Autralian and everywhere else that uses
the PAL system), the game runs at 50hz. Surprisingly, this actually is a bigger deal than it sounds.
Please, watch this video, read the article, and then click on this link: https://www.change.org/petitions/nintendo-of-japan-nintendo-europe-release-future-wii-u-virtual-console-games-in-europe-australia-in-60hz-2 to tell Nintendo that they can't get away with selling damaged goods.